Hygiene Services

EndoPerio Calgary offers a Hygiene services to help you with your oral care. Even if you have never been to our clinic, you can schedule an appointment for a cleaning.  Some exceptions may apply, but we’ll discuss the details when we book your appointment.

Request an appointment online, or call our office to book a time at 1-403-263-8939.

Scaling and Prophylaxis (Regular Cleaning)

During a root coverage procedure, medical grade donor tissue or gum tissue from your palate is used to cover the exposed tooth roots. These procedures are used to cover roots, develop gum tissue where needed, or to make dental implants look more natural. In some cases, this procedure can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay or prepare your teeth for orthodontic treatment. Your tooth sensitivity may be reduced as well, and your smile may also improve!

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a careful cleaning of the tooth root surfaces to remove plaque from pockets and to remove bacteria and toxins from the tooth root. Research has consistently shown that SRP reduces inflammation of the gums and reduces the amount of bacteria associated with periodontal disease. Due to these positive findings, SRP is usually the first mode of treatment recommended for most patients. In fact, many people do not require any further active treatment after SRP.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening can drastically change your smile. We are happy to offer Zoom Whitening © in our office. Your smile can be up to eight shades whiter in just one 45-minute office visit. You can even add Zoom Whitening © to your regular hygiene appointment. We also offer bleaching trays for at-home whitening and for yearly touch-ups.

Conscious Sedation: Anxiety Control to Put Your Mind at Ease

You might be recommended conscious sedation to ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed during your procedure. Conscious sedation is a safe, drug-induced state in which you are conscious and pleasantly relaxed- yet free of fear, anxiety, and apprehension. It is different than general anesthesia, and it does not carry the inherent risks associated with general anesthesia. If you have questions about conscious sedation, please contact us for more information.